
Martin Dyrba received his Habilitation (venia legendi)

Our Paper was accepted for BVM'25

Maresec'24 Paper online

10. Quistorp-Symposium: "KI: Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Herausforderungen"

Presentation "Model-based Underwater Object Detection and Probabilistic Digital Twins" at Hydro2024

Kickoff 2. Phase des Ocean Technology Campus

Bewilligung OTC2

Workshop "KI in KMU 2024" auf dem INFORMATIK FESTIVAL 2024

MMIS auf dem Deutschen Kongress für Kinderpsychiatrie 2024

Kickoff Projekt KiMeKo während der Ki-Med-Connect in Lübeck

NeSy 2024: 18th International Conference On Neural-Symbolic Learning And Reasoning

Save the Date! Big Data Workshop 3.0 – LLMs

Paper published in BMC Medical Ethics

Master-Verteidigung von Nouman Asif

Besuch des Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit MV im Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz

MMIS is taking part in the CombiDiag Summer School 2024 in Huningue, France

Verbundprojekt KiMeKo zum Aufbau einer norddeutschen KI-Med-Kollaborationsplattform bewilligt

KI MV beim Bundesverband der Deutschen Süßwarenindustrie (BDSI)

Abstract Paper Accepted at MARESEC 2024: European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security

KI MV bei der Nørd Digital Convention 2024

Master-Verteidigung von Moritz Hanzig

Abstract accepted at XXXVIII. DGKJP Kongress

Workshop KI-KMU 2024 - Aufruf zur Einreichung von Beiträgen

Paper published in the AI & Society journal

Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung „Was leistet textgenerierende Künstliche Intelligenz?“

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

Tag der KI an der Unimedizin Rostock

UNI IM RATHAUS: Liebevoll umsorgt von KI? Künstliche Intelligenz in Medizin und Pflege

Wissenschaftsministerin Bettina Martin im Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz in MV

3d-Model of the Artificial Reef published

Philisophical Evening, Rostock University

Mehr Sicherheit in der Ostsee dank künstlicher Intelligenz

So unterstützt Künstliche Intelligenz schon heute die Medizin

Video wrt. 3d Object detection online


Pressemitteilung: Finanzminister Heiko Geue und Digitalisierungsminister Christian Pegel besuchen Zentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz in MV (KI MV) an der Universität Rostock

Paper accepted at PharML@ECMLPKDD23

Pressemitteilung der Universität über unsere Arbeiten in OTC: Durchblick im Trüben – Universität Rostock entwickelt KI-Methode zum Abscannen des Meeresbodens

TV feature about our collaboration partner GWA hygiene GmbH

Paper accepted to the ICMAIL 2023

Best Masters Thesis 2022 awarded to Mrs. Lisa-Marie Odebrecht

Mr. Mathieu Dupoux will join our team during a research internship for 3 months

Software release: CCBM -- A tool for inference in Computational Causal Behavior Models

Mr. João Saraiva, MSc. startet to work in our group on May 1st.

Industry Day am 20.09.2022 in Rostock - Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Industrie

iWOAR 2022 - 7th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

International Symposium: The Future of Assistive Technologies in Dementia Care – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

Congratulations to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kristina Yordanova

Congratulations to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Krüger

Big Data Vernetzungsworkshop Wissenschaft–Wirtschaft am 21. Juni 2022 in Rostock

MSc defense Zain Ul Haq

Final Master Thesis Defence - Aws Khadour

Mr. Maximilian Popko (MSc) started working on 15th of June 2022

14.06.2022 Vortrag im Rahmen des VAC Kolloquiums - Dr. Emma Tonkin

International symposium on "Use of Humanoid Robot Technology for Therapy"

Neue Teamassistenz

The AMIGOS Project

OTC-Digital Twin & Analytics (OTC-DaTA)

Mr. Ole Fenske (MSc) started working on 1st of March 2022

Mr. Tariq Islam (Dr.-Ing.) started working on 1st of February 2022

„Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning: A Survey and Interpretation“ published

iWOAR2022 - Call for Papers

Mr. Dipendra Yadav (MSC) started working on 15th of January 2022

Paper accepted by Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy

Paper accepted at IJCAI-21 Journal Track

KI-Tag auf der NØRD

Workshop "KI für Medizin und Medizintechnik"

Paper for ARIAL’2021 accepted

Arghya Biswas - master thesis defense on 1st June 2021

Pauline Meuer - bachelor thesis defense on 25th may 2021

Our workshop on „Artificial Intelligence and Ethics“ has been accepted for KI2021 – the 44th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Stefan Lüdtke successfully defended his PhD thesis

Grant for the explAInation project proposal from the DFG

Workshop “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin”

Mr. Timon Felske (MSc) started working on 1st of January 2021

Paper at ECAI’20

AAIC Featured Research Session Doctor AI: Making computers explain their decisions

Ms. Sumaiya Suravee (MSc) started working on 1st July 2020

Mr. Muhammad Salman Shaukat (MSc) started working on 15th of June 2020

Mr. Teodor Stoev (MSc) started working on 15th of May 2020

Paper at BMV workshop 2020

Mr. Syed Ali Zafar (MSc) started working on 1st of February 2020

Mr. Moh'd Abuazizeh (Dipl.-Ing, FH) started working on 1st of January 2020

Mr. Hima Areti (MSc) started working on 1st of January 2020

The DigiTAl Workshop

The BehavE Project

15 Jahre MMIS

Stellenausschreibung NEISS

Stellenausschreibung E-BRAiN

iWOAR workshop will take place on September 2019 in Rostock

New institute of Visual & Analytic Computing (VAC) has been founded.

17.05.2019 Interdisciplinary Colloquium: Quantum. Cognition. Behavior.

Hattrick: Exzellenzforschungsprogramm des Landes fördert drei neue Projektverbünde mit MMIS-Beteiligung

Workshop „On AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL)“ accepted for IJCAI

Workshop „AI for Internet of Things (AI4IoT 2019)“ accepted for IJCAI

42nd German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2019)

IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications - PerCom 2019

Talk about insideDEM during the „Liesel Beckmann Symposium 2018“ at the TU München on December 12, 2018

Call for Papers "ARDUOUS 2019 @ Percom2019"

Call for Papers "CoMoRea 2019 @Percom2019“

Job offer

Paper at KI 2018

Paper at IJCAI-ECAI 2018

German-Australian Platform For Health Research

Dr. Doreen Görß started working on 1st of March 2018

Präsentation auf dem 3. Norddeutschen Fachtag Demenz

Methodik-Workshop des Referats Bildgebung der DGBP

Research stay in Zurich and participation in the workshop "Semantic Analysis of Multiscale Health Dynamics”

Technologieabend – Daten sind das neue Öl

Presenting our research at "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2018"

Dr. Samer Schaat started working with our group on 1st of December 2017

Bewilligung des Verbundvorhabens SAMi

19. und 20. Oktober 2017: 2. Wirtschaftsforum Regiopolregion

2nd International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems (ARDUOUS)

1st Workshop on Data mining for Aging, Rehabilitation and Assisted Living (ARIAL)

World Congress of Psychiatry

iWOAR in September 2017

Best Work in Progress Paper Award