The chair of Mobile Multimedia Information Systems is part of the Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing at the Faculty of Informatics and Electrical Engineering of the University of Rostock. In our research we develop systems to provide proactive subsidiary assistance. We target, in particular, the following three application domains:
- Smart Environments, including meeting rooms and workfloor assistance
- Support for people with cognitive impairments and their carers
- Rehabilitation assistance for motoric diseases
For this we developed different methods and tools to
- Recognise activities of human protagonists based on noisy sensors
- Infer the underlying intention based on the recognised activities
- Synthesise strategies to support the user
University of Rostock
Institute for Visual & Analytic Computing
Mobile Multimedia Information Systems
Albert-Einstein-Str. 22
18059 Rostock
Secretary Ms. Julia Prahl
Room 246
Mo. - Fr. 07:00 am - 02:30 pm
Tel.: +49 381 498 7511
Fax: +49 381 498 7512
Email: (at)